For 10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the spring, we meet together on Tuesday afternoons for 4 periods of enrichment classes. Moms, and a few dads, teach classes of their own choosing for homeschoolers to take. Class offerings change every semester. They range from academic-helping classes (i.e. writing, dissection, science experiments, and first aid courses) to fine arts (drama, art, choir, guitar) to craft classes, to sports classes, to preschool and elementary classes, to classes that are just for fun (cooking and forensic science). These classes are not to be considered integral to any student's home education. Each family is responsible for choosing their own curriculum for use at home.
What We've Done:
Some of what we've done in the past:
SkyZone, Pumpkin Patch, Buffalo Park,
American Village, Dismals Canyon,
Corinth Fire and Police Departments,
Huntsville Space Center,
Memphis Fire Museum, Brooks Museum of Art, Burritt on the Mountain,
Schoolhouse Rock at the Orpheum,
Shiloh Battlefield and Indian Mounds,
and Northeast Community College Tour
We are members of the Tri-State Christian Conference and play private schools.
Basketball and volleyball games are often conveniently scheduled on the same day to consolidate schedules and traveling.
EAGLE BEST Robotics Team
Annual Reading Fair every February
Occasionally we have guest speakers for our students.
Science Day booked for fall of 2018 with Hooked on Science!
We also have an EAGLE 4-H group.
Our annual graduation ceremony is for seniors, eighth graders, and kindergartners. It takes place the first Saturday of May.
EAGLE has several awards: EAGLE Scholarship, EAGLE Senior Award, Citizenship Award, Jr. Citizenship Award.
We also have many opportunities for high school students to serve our group.
Moms' Night Out is a ministry held usually on the last Thursday of each month during the 10-week semester. The moms of EAGLE meet at various restaurants and other meeting places to fellowship and give support to each other. This is a time of fun, eating, laughing, and praying together. Occasionally we have a question-and-answer format for more experienced homeschool mothers to support mothers who have just started.
Our library contains various home school curricula and resources. EAGLE members are welcome to borrow these items at no cost. Books can be checked out anytime the library is open and can be kept for the entire school year. We ask that you do not write in the books/workbooks and that you please return them when you are finished with them. Our library is staffed by our moms and is open during Tuesday Enrichment Classes.
When you join EAGLE, you are added to our e-mail list. Regular e-mails provide announcements about all things pertaining to EAGLE.
EAGLE's Nest is also a ministry started by one of our moms to minister to other moms by prayer. Whenever there is a prayer request or need of some kind, an e-mail to the EAGLE's Nest will get that request sent out to all the EAGLE group for prayer.
Once you are an EAGLE member, you are welcome to join our private Facebook group. There you will find event reminders, photos, items for sale, questions and answers, lost and found, and much more.
Each spring, one of our EAGLE moms serves as a proctor to administer standardized tests to students in 3rd-8th grades. This is an optional service and fees apply. The result of the test is privately reported to the parent. EAGLE does not see test results.
EAGLE would not function without the volunteering of parents just like you! Many times new opportunities are made possible for our children simply because a parent has seen a need and has volunteered to make it happen.